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F L Y O N E ™
Australia's Advanced Air mobilty network.. now flying
'Our goal is to electrify aviation in Australia, making flying an electric aircraft as accessible to you as driving a car or booking a rideshare'
- FlyOnE Founder, Korum E
Book a flight
Now flying through a network of green energy charge nodes and landing areas, Lilypad Elevate™ users can fly point-to-point on-demand zero-emissions aircraft and decarbonised air-taxi.
Learn to fly
FlyOnE has assembled an immersive electric aircraft training experience for new pilots assisting with a concise and cost-efficient training curriculum with electric active flight school operators.
Aircraft ownership
FlyOnE is Australia's premier electric aircraft distributor.
We have an impressive range of electric fixed-wing and eVTOL aircraft available for private purchase, pre-order, or syndication.
AIR ONE Personal eVTOL aircraft
Discover more about the worlds first global electric air tournament.
Background Photo Credit: GQ Middle East
over 1500 electric air passenger movements to date!
Electric passenger aviation is now active in Australia on a growing network of charge nodes at progressive airports.