Macchina Volantis FC 4/5 EVTOL
Standard pre-order $2000
Priority pre-order $10000
Fully refundable. You will be able to complete your custom configuration order as production nears in late 2021. Priority pre-orders will skip the queue and be available ahead of standard pre-orders.
Range up to 900klm
Flight ceiling 10 000ft
0-65 knots 100 seconds
Cruise speed 150 knots
Top speed 180 knots
Payload capacity 450kg
Passenger capacity 4-5 people
Flight control safety system SWARM AI
Cost $440000**
Annual operating costs approx. $10000
(500 flight hours)
* All specifications are projected and may differ slightly upon release of the final design.
** Cost is an estimate in US dollars based on current market conditions and a pre sale volume of 1000 units.